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upcoming workshop


The specific content of my workshops is planned to meet the needs of the students. Some workshops focus on one element (anatomy, Bodymind Ballwork or therapeutics), but others interweave all three elements.

I offer workshops on yoga therapeutics, anatomy, and Bodymind Ballwork. Until further notice, the workshops listed here are online. I look forward to resuming live workshops as soon as possible. But in the meantime it’s been wonderful to connect with people far and wide.

My osteoporosis and bone health workshops will teach you how you can build bone strength, plus better balance, coordination, and posture through yoga and Bodymind Ballwork. We practice basic yoga poses that can be adapted for any level of fitness and which have been proven to improve bone density.

Yoga and Bodymind Ballwork for Bone Health, Strength and Balance. Three Saturdays, one per month online. 1-4 pm EST New York time. September 21, October 26, and November 16.

This is my signature method for those with a diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis, and those who want to avoid those conditions. It’s also a good basic strengthening and centering practice for anyone of any age or condition. You are welcome if you are new to yoga, or a long-time practitioner, or a yoga teacher.  The recording will be available to support your home practice. 

Each class will begin with a short talk, and then we’ll go right into the practices.  There are warm-ups and a review of the concepts underlying all the poses, and we progress gradually from basic poses into more vigorous poses.  Adding Bodymind Ballwork to the yoga practice helps to unlock tight areas of the body and enhance your body’s capacity for joyful healthy movement.  We will alternate activity and rest in our time together, with time for questions and discussion.  
Please note that you will need to have yoga props and rubber balls at home. The balls we use are specific, very user-friendly and inexpensive.  
Yoga props needed:  Yoga mat, 8-10′ yoga strap or bathrobe belt, 2 blocks, 2 blankets or equivalents, a bolster if possible, and a sturdy chair.  If your room has a wall that you can stand near, that’s helpful. Towels and pillows can substitute for the blankets and bolster, and books can substitute for the blocks. 
Balls needed:  2 Easy Grip balls, 2 white baseballs, and one Drop Dot ball. 
You can order them here. 

Single class $80, Early Bird $75
Two classes: $150
All three classes: $225

Note: If you are signing up for two classes, please email me after you’ve registered, to confirm which two classes you want to join.

Select your choice from the drop down menu, and then click the PayPal button to pay with PayPal or a credit card.

class choices, Early bird before Sept 15

The Bodymind Ballwork Full Spectrum Course Self-care techniques with massage from rubber balls for every part of your body from head to toes . Attend all classes or pick a few.

Six Tuesday afternoons in September & October    1:30-3 pm EST New York time online.

This online course is a series of six 90 minute classes, each focusing on self-massage techniques with rubber balls for a specific area of the body. With this practice, you’ll find relief from painful tension patterns – such as in your shoulders, neck, lower back, knees – but also you’ll discover how much each part of the body has something to say.

Research shows that fascia (a type of connective tissue that’s everywhere in the body) holds the secret to increasing our healthspan, i.e. increasing the time we’re able to stay healthy, vital and fully functional as we age. In this course you’ll experience how the ballwork  works on the fascia, enhances circulation and energy flow, and enlivens your body and mind. Practitioners report relief from long-standing body problems, and a welcome feeling of spaciousness and calm. The method is simple but the results are profound, even life-changing. You deserve to have this as part of your self-care!
 Days and topics:
 Class #1: Tues Sept 24     The Spine, Abdominals, Ribs and Psoas
 Class #2: Tues Oct 1         The Shoulders and Neck, part 1
 Class #3: Tues Oct 8         The Shoulders and Neck, part 2
 Class #4: Tues Oct 15       The Arms and Hands
 Class #5: Tues Oct 22       The Hips, Thighs and Knees
 Class #6: Tues Oct 29       The Lower Legs and Feet

 You can register for any number of classes – each one stands alone, offering at-home techniques that will benefit you for a lifetime.
 Balls can be purchased from Registrants will receive an email about the required balls.

 Cost: Single class $45, series of 6 classes $260
 Early Bird by Sept 15 for 6 classes $250
 Notes: Previous graduates qualify for discounts; please email me. Also to sign up for any number of classes more than 1 and less than 6, please email me.

 Location: At your home via Google Meet, with recordings available after each session.

Select your choice from the drop down menu, and then click the PayPal button to pay with PayPal or a credit card.

Early Bird price by the end of Sept 15

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